Sunday, February 27, 2011

Keeping Your Relationship Happy Through Tough Economic Times

By Victoria Tiegert

There are few, if any, people today who will try to deny that the economy has taken a serious downturn recently. This is causing many people more stress and anxiety than they've ever experienced before. These negative emotional responses are rooted in the financial struggles of their lives, but they spill over into other areas of their lives, as well, such as their relationships, their career satisfaction, and their health.

Depression, both long-term clinical and temporary situational, is becoming evident in more individuals and families than usual. We all need to figure out how to beat the blues and get through this challenging time while keeping our smile and inner peace. Here are some ways that you can do this.


In most people's lives, there has been a lack of prioritizing in recent years. This is probably because we haven't had to. We could have it all, for the most part. There were jobs available, there was extra money at the end of the month, there were opportunities for investments, and all without having to make much sacrifice to speak of. Today, that has changed. We can't always have it all and must make determinations of what is most important for us.

*Take Back the Controls

That out of control feeling is not a good one for any of us. In order to be in control of your own financial outlook, you need to figure out where you currently are, how you got here, and how you are going to get where you want to be. To do this, you must sit down with your bills and income statements and make a good budget that is going to work for you.

*Back to Basics

For a long time, most of us have lived with things that were not only unnecessary, but also unused. For example, we had a home phone that no one ever used or even paid attention to, yet we paid the bill every month without blinking an eye. We recently got rid of it and haven't missed it a bit. How many things can you think of that you are paying for but not really getting the benefit of that you once did? Narrowing down our bills to what we actually need helps a lot in cutting down the amount of money that we need for our expenses.

*Time over Money

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