Thursday, May 5, 2011

Reasons To Love

When love is new and fresh, we can't stop thinking about what turns us on about our partner. The way her nose crinkles when she smiles; his strong, tanned forearms. We can reflect on time spent together and parlay those memories into fantasy until we are together again. The reasons to love someone are unending if we choose to consider them. Sadly, it's becoming more common to find ourselves in the middle of a breakup that takes us by surprise.

In life, we need to know what we want in order to know what we don't want. It works the same with love. There were definite traits about your partner that you found extremely appealing when you fell in love and most likely a number of opposite traits you would have found unattractive. We have to find reasons to love someone and then we have to keep on finding them. People thrive on positive reinforcement. Everyone. This may not be their number one language of love but words of affirmation go a long way toward making your partner feel appreciated. If your partner knows that what they do for you and your relationship hasn't gone unnoticed, you can be certain they are going to feel warmly toward you.

When we are kind to and appreciative of the special people in our lives, we cultivate more loving responses from them. It really is a two way street. Unfortunately, we tend to let everyday stresses become the focus of our attention and then the reasons to love someone escape us.

Very few people on this earth are telepathic -- very few are psychic. Yet we repeatedly get upset with a partner for not knowing what we want them to do (or not do) despite the fact that we never filled them in on it. We expect them to read our minds--an expectation that seems to expand with the time spent together as a couple.

When we stop communicating with each other, we stop growing as a couple. We aren't dreaming of the next house we want to buy, where we want to spend our next vacation, what our kids may grow up to be. If we stop talking we aren't encouraging the other, we aren't letting our partner know what we want. But, if the lines of communication are open, if you've asked your partner questions about what he orshe wants and doesn't want -- asked probing questions on all kinds of subjects, then you are in sync. Real harmony can be achieved and you'll find the reasons to love your partner growing every day.

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